Sunday, August 28, 2011

Things Your Mama Never Told You

Mysti Parker joins us with a bit of humor and yet again, some great insight.  Some of these things we all know but yet sometimes forget. The beauty of listening to family.


1. When she says "I hope you have a kid just like you", it always cones true. God blessed our family with daughter #2, who's a clone of her animal-mimicking, accident-prone mother.

2. When mama says no, it's not only because she wants to keep you safe but because she made those same mistakes and doesn't want you to do the same. That's how she ended up with you in the first place *wink*

3. Moms have a super sense of hearing. It kicked in as soon as you were born. Though it's handy when a little one is sick during the night, it actually becomes a curse over time. All night long she hears every cough,sniffle, wiggle, creak, whisper, snore, and tummy rumble. What mom really wants in the years after nighttime feedings end is a night of uninterrupted sleep!

4. Nothing motivates a mom quite like guilt. That's why she sat through every school play, baseball practice, and dance recital in silent prayer that you wouldn't fall on your face. Every mom in consecutive generations adds more opportunities to their child's list, afraid that if their son or daughter misses a chance at something, they could end up on a therapist's couch someday, blaming their mother for their shortcomings. It's almost as bad a curse as the super-hearing.

5. Last but not least, no one will ever love you quite like your mom. You'll never know all the sacrifices she made or the tears she shed on your behalf. If you're lucky enough to still have your mom in your life, give her a call or a big hug and tell her thanks. She'll probably cry but this time, it'll be happy tears.

Mysti Parker is a full-time wife, mom of three, and a writer. Born and raised in Kentucky, writing has always been her first love. After many years of pursuing other things, she began her writing career in earnest in 2009. Look for more romantic tales from her fantasy world of Tallenmere, where magic, passion, murder, and mayhem are a part of everyday life.
A Ranger's Tale  by Mysti Parker

Paperback, E-book, or Kindle, 186 pages
Published January 29th 2011 by Melange Books
ISBN 9781612351

 "Elves, wizards, and hot romance!" ~Lyn Horner, author of Darlin' Druid
“…I was completely surprised by how involved I became in the story. The fantastical world created by the author became very real to me and as a reader that is a very good thing.” ~ Wendy Mitchell, You Gotta Read Reviews
Mysti Parker has hit one out of the ballpark …I thoroughly enjoyed visiting this world and this story which I read in a single sitting - I couldn't put it down.” ~ WildAboutBones, Goodreads Reviewer
Once upon a time an elven noblewoman longed to leave her gilded cage. A half-breed former pirate wanted nothing more than to escape his guilty past. Easier said than done...
                In the fantasy world of Tallenmere, the high elf, Caliphany Aranea, nearly a century old, has never been allowed to travel farther than a few miles out of the capital city of Leogard. Her father, Sirius, leads the Mage Academy, and after losing his only son, he expects Caliphany to take his place one day. The trouble is, she doesn't want to study magic and doubts she'll ever be as good a wizard as her father. She dreams of leaving Leogard to explore the world and strike out on her own--lofty goals for Sirius' daughter, who also happens to be King Leopold's niece. 
            When two brutes at Leogard Harbor attempt to kidnap her while she dreams of faraway lands, half-elf ship captain and ranger, Galadin Trudeaux, comes to her rescue. From their first chance encounter, to the finale, where Caliphany must decide where her heart truly lies, she and Galadin will face more adventure, more love, more heartache, than they ever thought possible. Through it all, they discover the power of forgiveness and of a love that stands the test of time.
A Ranger's Tale available now at: Melange BooksAmazon.comBarnes & Noble, and many other online stores!
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Jenny Twist said...

Nice one, Mysti. And how true

Mila Ramos said...

hehehe I can hear the mother comments now....oh boy did my Mom have a few doozies.

Which is your favorite Mysti?